Friday, November 28, 2008


Am very disturbed by the chaos and terrorist situation in Mumbai where I grew up. Have been to the Taj Hotel many times and have stayed at the Oberoi.

The Taj faces the Gateway of India and the Arabian Sea. It was commissioned by Jamshedji Tata, Steel Man of India, after, according to a story, he was denied entry into one of the grandest hotels of British time - Watson’s Hotel as it was meant for ‘Whites only´. Tata wanted to set up his own hotel which would surpass Watson’s in all its glory. This is how India’s first super luxury hotel came into being.

Continue to worry about my Mom who enjoys the wonderful weather and sunshine during the Michigan winter and also about many relatives and friends.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Recycling with Pride quilt

Happened on a site that had my Recycling with Pride quilt that is still travelling....
I had forgotten all the things I had included in this very small 5 " quilt including Aluminum, Aluminum can tab, Bubblewrap, brass, Cheesecloth, copper, compost: crimped cardboard, dryer lint, Embroidery (tshirt) ,Feather, coffee Filter, Foil, found objects, found time, Gutter guard, glass, Hardware cloth, interfacing, Jewelry: earth earring, junk mail, lockwasher, lame, Magazine, newspaper, maps, Paper “Recycle” ; Plastic “Recycle” from milk jug , Ribbon, selvedges,Tyvek, Underwire, visa card logo,Windowscreen, xray film, yarn, zipper
The Quilting Arts website has some very interesting quilts with many recycled items...

Fabric Bookmarks

Fabric Bookmarks made for a fiberart swap online by rubbing Oil Paintsticks over stamps on black Fabric. Free Motion Quilted with metallic threads.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Quilt honoring my amazing grandmother
I feel a special kinship to my maternal grandmother who made many sacrifices for us. She left her village for two years and moved to Bombay so I could attend an English school. She married at thirteen and raised ten children. She couldn’t read or write but was patient, kind, caring and hard working. The quilt has a phototransfer of another quilt I made with her portrait( and my mother) set in a Kaleidoscope program. It is embellished with lots of shisha mirrros.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hour Detroit Magazine Top Docs 2008

Am so proud my dh, John was among the Top Docs.

This was the third time he has been named on the annual list of Hour Detroit Magazine ..what an honor!

We enjoyed a wonderful evening in honor of all the Top Docs at the newly renovated Westin Book Cadillac. It was a fun, enchanting evening.

Amy's law graduation quilt

This quilt was made for my daughter Amy who finished law school this year. It took her just 6 years instead of 7... Wow...That is so awesome!

Her sister, Lisa was her sponsor when she took the oath and she was admitted to the Michigan bar. My daughters looked so professional and I am so proud of both of them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Holi Quilt

My new Holi quilt celebrates India's spring festival.
People toss colored powders and squirt each other with colored water with water guns.

My quilt expresses the fun with shisha mirrors spelling the festival, Holi.
The powders are seen as a phototransfer in the letter L.
The letter I is the watergun squirting sequins and beads while dripping and oozing color.