Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paper crafting

These are some of the cards we made at the Plymouth Lib last night with the paper crafting group. Wanda and I had fun with her vibrant colored markers,and my newest embossing toy, the Cuttlebug as well as all the great supplies provided by the Library.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sacred Threads 2011 exhibit

Am excited that my quilt,Savor Every Second, Value Every Day , has been selected to hang in the Sacred Threads 2011 exhibit June 22 - July 4, 2011 at the Church of the Epiphany, 3301 Hidden Meadow Drive, Herndon, Virginia 22071 www.epiphany-herndon.org 

Fibergroup crayon batik

We melted crayons on a hot plate in cupcake holders and we also drew designs on foil on the hotplate, let them melt and transferred the design to fabric. The crayons were the resist . We  painted over them and ironed  the designs between newspapers to remove them.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

IQA Susan Shie class

We started with a white fabric and drew free hand with Sharpie Rub a Dub markers. We then painted with Jacquard textile Paints and wrote with the airpen and quilted with the Babylock Symphony on the third day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Inspiring quilts

These are just a few of the wonderful quilts at the IQA show in Cincinnati...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Classical Indian Dancers

The Classical Indian dancers’ movement of hands, feet, and expressive faces tell a story set to soothing, melodious music.

The fused dancers were designed in Make the Cut software.

Hand embroidery, beads, bells, trims, Paintsticks, watercolors, and machine quilting

It is 36”w x 12” h

This quilt was created for the Fast Friday challenge ..this month's theme was dance and movement.