Artist 1: Malavika Mandal Andrew
During the pandemic I was locked in and around squares and rectangles. Rooms,
doors, window, bed, bed cover, pillow, framed art, floor tiles, table, kitchen
platform, shelves, microwave, T. V, Cell phone, etc. There was a time when I was
feeling that all my family members faces are also becoming rectangular. I don't
think I will get such a lovely time again to spend time with my family. One
rectangle has helped to pipe through the other rectangle and caught the
movements of my likes, dislikes and missing nature. Likewise the Globe is also
viewed as a series of rectangular edges.
Artist 2: Meena Schaldenbrand
Continued the circle shape with a small yo yo to fit in the square box that
resulted from Malavika’s white embroidered lines. Repeated the circles as I
added another yo yo as a flower to Malavika’s embroidered leaves. The yellow and
red shapes looked like a roller coaster to me. So, I cut a paper roller coaster
and enclosed it between 2 layers of fiberglass window screen and stitched the
sandwich to the bottom right. Added a square jewel at bottom left, then two more
squares and turned them on point to repeat the shapes in the rollercoastermade
of fiberglass windowscreen.